Food a system from Soil to Soul.

A Blessing, Nourishment & Memories

Learn the Art of
Balanced & Regulated Eating

Real Nutrition is beyond portion control, counting calories & measuring health by inappropriate methods of weight gain or loss.Make yourselves aware of the real health parameters. Understand metabolic health parameters, like sleep patterns, energy levels, exercise compliance, eating patterns, sweet cravings, gut health, skin hair quality etc., learn how they make an impact on your overall health & happiness, eventually making you free from the abundance and misinformation about food, nutrition & well being

Obesity, Diabetes, PCOS, Hypertension, Thyroid, Fertility Issues, Pre-Post Natal issues, GUT Issues (IBS, Constipation, Bloating, Acidity), Menopause Complexities and other chronic health diseases & syndromes are mostly a result of bad eating habits, choices, lifestyle & incorrect sleep patterns

The right nutrition guidance would help you learn how to manage & balance your lifestyle to reverse & avoid these health issues or conditions.

Bhagavad Gita 6.17

युक्ताहारविहारस्य युक्तचेष्टस्य कर्मसु |
युक्तस्वप्नावबोधस्य योगो भवति दु:खहा || 17||
yuktāhāra-vihārasya yukta-cheṣhṭasya karmasu
yukta-svapnāvabodhasya yogo bhavati duḥkha-hā

"Yuktahara" is our ancient wisdom as also explained in "The Bhagavad Gita", where it talks about the importance of the regulated, balanced habits of eating, sleeping & working in a persons life, which in turn gives wholesome health & well-being, for a better sense of coordination & harmony with your Body, Breath & Mind

Note: The nutrition program is called "Yuktahara" as I believe in mindful eating. The consult is to educate & empower you so you can correct your habits and make intelligent choices about food, sleep and exercise,


3-stage process

Choose from duration 3/6/12 months

  • INR 29500
    Appox Per Session INR 3600

    -8 Pvt Sessions
    -60 min live video
    -12/7 text support and accountability
    -8 am to 8 pm, response time within 24 hours

  • INR 55,500
    Per Session 3120

    -16 Pvt Sessions
    -60 min live video
    -12/7 text support and accountability8 am to 8 pm, response time within 24 hours

  • INR 99,600
    Per Session 2800

    -32 Pvt Sessions
    -60 min live video
    -12/7 text support and accountability.
    -8 am to 8 pm, response time within 24 hours


Value to start your journey to well-being, mindfulness & making the right choices


  • All taxes included. Rates are valid till 31st March, 2025

  • Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable

  • USD rates are applicable for everyone residing outside India

  • Appointments will be done on video chat, so you can sign up from anywhere across the globe


  • The format and structure of our Nutrition consultation are designed to benefit all clients, no matter where they live. Besides online scheduled/subscribed sessions, clients can interact with us via WhatsApp messages and email.

    2nd - Fill out a detailed tracker with your current food-eating habits and choices along with activity & exercise levels, for us to plan an effective meal plan for you

    3rd - Introduction session, understand the philosophy and way forward in detail

    4th - Meal plan to be shared - detailed session to understand the meal plan curated for you

    5th - Follow the meal plan for 15 days and fill the ongoing meal tracker for you to be reiterated of the choices and for us to observe if you are on the right track

    6th - Meet for the next session and discuss the changes, adaptations, concerns, etc

    Continue Happy Eating for a lifetime and not Counting or Measuring

  • The idea is to enable you in a systematic way so that you learn and adjust to health habits and are able to follow a healthy lifestyle as a way of life and not just when you are 'on' a diet, which is not sustainable and long-term. This may take 3/6/12 months depending on your specific case and need. However the body takes a minimum of 3 months to start to respond and change to any positive nutritional changes in the system, hence 5-6 sessions (3 months) is a minimum recommendation from us, however, we can always help you with this decision in case you are confused.

  • RESULTS is a very subjective and ambiguous term, and it will vary as per individual lifestyle, circumstance, discipline, needs & case. Our team's objective and purpose are not to look at health as ONLY a measurable parameter, as we truly believe, it's not a true reflection or criteria of good sustainable health, (e.g read weighing scale, inch tape, etc). We target and work on the improvement of the metabolic parameters like sleep quality, energy levels, GUT health, etc of the body, and then eventually the measurable parameters automatically come into control and you will start feeling better, more energetic, and shrunk within a week or two of following the diet and exercising.

  • We believe strongly in helping the client be empowered and evolve with an eating pattern that fits into their work schedule and lifestyle, and hence making is sustainable and not a FAD, and eventually it will become a way of life and not a temporary fix for a wedding, holiday, etc.

    We work at educating our clients to understand their body's requirements and to enable them to learn how, how much and when to eat, and improve the overall digestive system that enables fat loss. Eventually, they are able to evolve their own eating pattern, overcome the fears & myths associated with certain foods, and are able to free themselves from the need to fit into a size or shape.

    Our philosophy is not “COUNT CALORIES” but rather get STRONGER & FITTER and eventually lose fat

  • The idea is to make you understand the true meaning of healthy & not to put you on a temporary plan which you will drop in a few weeks, hence there is no bias towards a non-veg or veg diet. The meal plans will be true to your likes and dislikes and hence will be doable.

  • Our philosophy is to educate our clients and empower them for lifetime, hence you will learn the basic pattern of eating as per your body's requirements and your lifestyle. During your active package, your diets will be planned with your involvement, we will not give you a standard diet plan and will not spoon-feed you with measurements and quantities, so this will give you an understanding of your nutrient needs & how to manage and adjust your meals (depending on your activity & lifestyle). By the end of your program, you will be in a position to plan your meals by yourself & carry on with a healthy eating pattern as a way of life.

    In addition, all the documents and meal plans shared with you will stay with you for a lifetime. Besides, our relationship with our clients is a lifelong one and we are just a message or an email away in case there is any help you need